Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Top Ten #1

Is 2001: A Space Odyssey really the greatest sci-fi film ever made?? Really?! Star Wars is by far way more entertaining. Sure 2001 triggered some pretty intense anxiety attacks for me in college, but I don't think that would necessarily make it the top sci-fi film. In case you haven't guessed by now, I am actually writing this while AFI's 10 top ten list is playing in the background. Which of course has me thinking about some top ten lists of my own. I would love to share all of my top ten lists with you through this most engaging blog, but for tonight, just one:

Top Ten Films That Chris Will Never Watch:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre- Chris is incredibly scared of horror movies, but especially this movie. Now, I am aware that horror movies are designed to freak people out, but Chris can't handle it at all. We went to see a friend's band play in upstate NY and as they started their set, they had scenes from the movie playing behind them. Chris's face went pale and his hands started shaking as he realized what was being shown. He tried his best to enjoy the music, but he still talks about those scenes to this day. "I can't believe they would show that! I mean, it doesn't add to the music or anything..." Poor Chris.

Transamerica- The only reason I know this has to do with the fact that the DVD has been sitting on top of our tv cabinet since I got the damn thing from Netflix three days ago. And whenever I bring it up as a possibility for our viewing pleasure, he looks at me as if I just asked him to watch a short film on grass growing.

Masterpiece on PBS- Okay, technically it's tv, but their mini-series are definitely film worthy in my opinion. They recently had the Jane Austen series with a different Jane Austen story every week. Chris would dash out of the room as soon as he realized what was coming on. His hopes were so high as he would see the PBS promotions come on. I am sure he thought that maybe I was coming around and would watch a Charlie Rose with him. And then Gillian Anderson would appear ready to introduce the next delicious story and he would leap off the couch- his heart crushed.

Boys on the Side- He has never seen this movie and he has got a huge beef with this film. It has something to do with Whoopi and Drew being in the same film together.

Mama Mia!: the Movie- ABBA was the first band that Chris really dug as a kid. He still listens to them with Jack and will even point out parts in the songs that really get him excited. He is just too close to the music (if you can believe) to even fathom hearing their songs come out of Meryl Streep's mouth.

Born into Brothels- or any other depressing aka uplifting documentary I have sent to the house. Thank you Netflix!

Any Robin Williams movie- No, really. Apparently when he went to see Alladin (stoned), he was so disturbed by Robin Williams's voice, that he has forever banned that movie from our house. Our boys will end up seeing it at some friend's house and will covet it like porn.

Any future Cameron Crowe film- After his reactions to Almost Famous, Vanilla Sky and Jerry Maguire, I am going to ban him from seeing his films. Whatever minute amount of joy you can get from seeing his films, Chris will promptly shit all over it.

The Exorcist- Aside from the fact that it is the scariest movie that has ever existed, when I asked Chris what two movies that he would never see are, he immediately responded with this one. I'll give him this one- there have been some nights when I wished I had never seen this one. Or at least didn't see it more than ten times.

Sleepless in Seattle- And when asked why, he simply states, "I don't like romantic comedies." So what's Pee Wee's Big Adventure?


Chic #2 said...

Oh my God, Chris and I really are kindred spirits. I will totally help him shit on anyone who enjoys Cameron Crowe movies. I will also fart in the general direction of anyone who liked BLACK SNAKE MOAN.

Krissyface said...

holy crap, Chris likes ABBA?!!!

I knew he was cool, but now he's, like, a demigod.

And um, I saw Aladin stoned also. The giant tiger that comes up out of the sand? Sent me running out of the theater in search of more diet coke to drench my parched throat and also, for air to breathe because I thought the giant sand tiger was going to make me die.

Just an fyi.

Boom Kornstein said...

a life without 'what dreams may come,' is no life at all, chris.