Wednesday, September 24, 2008

9 years and counting...

I know I said I would post more regularly, but I honestly have so little to write about. Enjoy.

Today during a playdate I was about to bite into a beautiful apple when I suddenly became very self conscious of it and asked my friend if it was alright that I ate an apple in front of him. He looked at me like I was crazy, and gave me permission to eat. (He probably looked at me like I was crazy because I usually eat like a fucking pig in front of him without even thinking about it.) I then had to explain that I am not allowed to eat apples in front of Chris. He laughed, this friend of mine, because he knows Chris and I so well and apparently has never witnessed one of Chris's freakouts about people eating loudly around him. Naturally I explained to him about this "sensitivity" so that he wouldn't think Chris and I have this weird S&M thing happening on the sly.

It is true though- the thing about me not being allowed to eat apples in front of him. He cannot stand the noises coming out of people's mouths when they are eating and when somebody takes a bite out of an apple it is like death to his ears. So now I am a little head-shy about eating apples, chips, and so on because to Chris I sound like a vacuum cleaner. Granted, I am an eater. I have no qualms about my eating and take great pride in the fact that I will eat anything. (I once dated a guy who said that I eat like a man.) But I don't eat like I have something wrong with me. I actually eat very quietly. It's Chris who has the problem and he will readily admit it when I give him the evil eye for making me feel bad for eating nachos two rooms away from him. Apparently there is a name for this condition- people who hate people who eat. Or I guess, people who have incredibly sensitive hearing to people eating. Or I guess, people who are assholes. It's called "hyperacusis". Or in my world, "bullshit".

Our 9th anniversary recently passed. It was on the 11th of September. Yeah- September 11th. And, no, it didn't happen on the actual day. We had that day for a whole two years before it became the saddest day for NYC ever. Anyway we went to see Tropic Thunder. I'm thinking we may need to try harder for our 10th.

1 comment:

Krissyface said...

I am so glad I sit a few cubicles away from Chris at work. If he heard me snapping my gum 8 hours a day he might barf in his trash can.

Happy Anniversary!!!!!